Retail Locations to Serve You

Osage City
123 Market St.
Osage City, KS 66523
Our first Garrett's store was built in 2017 and is 2400 sq ft. It is located at 132 Market St.
It features shelving and televisions for previewing your fireworks before you buy! This store is open from June 27th through July 5th of every year.
Review link:

Mound City
1005 Junction Rd
Mound City, MO. 64470
Our store in Mound City was purchased in 2019 and is located at 1005 Junction RD.
It is our first store location outside of Kansas, our first in a year-round sales state and our second store established. It is currently our largest store with over 5,000 sq ft.
We are open with regular hours between Memorial Day through Labor Day and on special occasions and by appointment during other times of the year.
Review link: pending